Author Interview – Anna Kander

Thank you again, Morgan! –AK

Morgan AB Saddleson

Author Interview Anna Kander

Thanks to Twitter, I have been able to meet a few great writers. Here is an interview I had with Anna Kander as part of an interview-swap!


author-photo-20171 The lovely Anna Kander. Photo from her blog found in bio.

Anna Kander writes fiction, dark fantasy, and poetry featuring strong women. She’s also a licensed counselor in the Midwest. Her work is published or forthcoming in Star*Line, Leveler, Train, and other magazines. Kander writers with her sidekick, a fearless blue fish who doesn’t realize he’s only one inch tall. She also loves chai tea, kindness, and snarky advice. Read her blog HERE!

1.) If you could read from only one author for the rest of your life, who would you pick?

Bill Watterson. He wrote and drew Calvin and Hobbes.

2.) Coffee, tea, or 5-hour energy drinks?

Without coffee, I might die.

3.) Any “weird” writer’s habits you’ve developed?

On my desk I…

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